Children thrive in a co-parent healthy environment.
An unwed parent may establish Paternity through a family court case. It may also be established through a child support case initiated by the parent with custody of the child. Child support established through administrative or court proceedings filed by the Department of Revenue, Child Support Program, will not automatically address your right to spend time with the child.
Failure to respond to a Paternity action may establish you as the legal father, even if you are not the biological father. The Disestablishment of Paternity is rare and will only be granted when it is in the best interest of the minor child.
You may have the right to request a paternity test. There are time limitations for when a paternity test may be requested. If you receive something in the mail alleging you are the father of an unknown child, do not ignore the mail. Take action to protect your rights. Your silence may cost you in the long run. Call us today to find out your available options.