
Do You Need a Child Support Lawyer?

November 15, 2021by Austin Shission

Do You Need a Child Support Lawyer? Child support affects both moms and dads across the country. It helps the custodial parent pay for the expenses incurred by the child. This includes food, clothing, medical, dental, school, and many other expenses. Child support calculations can vary from one state or another. Parents with questions about child support should consult a family law attorney, who is familiar with the laws in their state.

The income of both parents will determine the financial support for the children. Other factors, such as the child’s special education or physical needs, may also be considered. A messy legal battle can ensue if the non-custodial parent refuses or fails to pay support for the child.

The suspension of a driver’s license could occur if the non-custodial parent is unable to pay. The seizure or revocation of professional licenses and income tax refunds may also be a possibility.

Failure to pay child support can have very serious consequences.  If a parent stops paying child support, either pay may seek a modification.  There are also situations, in which, the Court may temporarily support payments if the paying parent’s situation is temporary.

Why some parents don’t pay child support?

Sometimes, it is so simple that they don’t see the need. It is likely that no one has ever sat down and discussed what child support is, how it is calculated, or how it benefits their children. It can be difficult to hear from a Judge or another lawyer that you have to pay a set amount of money to the other parent when you know that you do absolutely everything for your child, and it just doesn’t seem fair to pay the other parent. We take the time to discuss with you, your specific circumstances and how child support may be affected.  Before you go to Court, it’s important for you to have an idea of what the child support will be, so you are not completed shocked.

Support for your children can sometimes become a problem even in an amicable and peaceful divorce. Many parents come to us with an agreement on everything, but the child support.  The answer is not always as easy as agreeing to exchange no child support.  The parents cannot waive a child’s right to child support, but we can help you and the other parent figure out what is the fair and right amount of support and how it is paid.

A child support lawyer should discuss grounds for modification. These may include income changes, illness or disability, change of circumstances, changes in timesharing, moving out of State, or any other financial change.

Family law attorneys should have experience in family legal matters and can be a great resource for more information. Family law attorneys are the best qualified to contact if you have questions about support, modification of support, or any other issues related to custody and divorce.

Contact us if you think you need help!


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